Filmmaking during Covid


The Covid -19 pandemic breakout has affected the daily life in each and every aspect. Ranging from the educational field to entertainment industry everything has been put to a cease. Most of the industries are in downward revenue counting in terms of their annual profit. Entertainment & Media Industry has been one of them.

Filmmaking was next to impossible in the Covid situation because all the procedures of filmmaking ranging from shooting to film production and even releasing a film needs to be done with involvement of 10 or people. Therefore, filmmaking was at stake due to the breakout. More than 1600 theatres have been shut down permanently during this pandemic. Film releases has been beheld to an unknown date and even award shows and film festivals are also postponed.  Commercial film release faced a lot of crisis due to all this.

The Box-Office was almost shattered and faced a huge loss in terms of revenue. China being the first country to face this pandemic breakout was at the top of the list to face the box office breakdown followed by Italy and other countries afterwards. It was like an invisible evil power destroying all the major revenue generating fields at a sweep.

Even the films that were released just at the beginning of this Covid era also faced a huge loss. The movies that had a good screenplay and content and were meant to earn a lot from the release and screening collapsed unpleasantly. Many filmmakers rescheduled their new releases to a further date.

At this point of time OTT emerged as the much needed backup for the film industry. Though this is not just the beginning of the Video on Demand, they were always prevailing in the entertainment industry but this pandemic phase made OTTs to reach out to even larger number of viewers. Watching films on OTT is much more flexible than reaching out for movie theatres. So, the urge for re-opening theatres is at a pause for maximum number of audiences.

So, the Covid era confined the entire world to a digital platforms, whether it is work place or educational institutes or even entertainment zone. The digitization in every field has been a must in this post pandemic situation. Who would have imagined a couple of years back that movies will be released on digital platforms only; no theatre openings, no ticket bookings, no popcorns and no hanging outs???

But we must admit each and everything that happens in this world have its boon and bane. The Covid may have put our normal life to a hold but it has made us more updated and digital. Everything is conducted online, which saves time and also adds flexibility to daily stuffs. No more watching cinemas in a theatre sitting in a row for long hours, now we can easily watch movies anytime and anywhere we want. Even we can watch multiple cinemas in a single day if we want. So the Covid brought a revolution to the film industry. We may also call this as the Renaissance of the modern cinema world.


Picture Sources: Google